However, Mozilla offers an “Extended Support Release”, or ESR, branch of the Firefox browser. Mozilla ended support for traditional NPAPI browser plugins, aside from Flash, with Firefox 52 on March 7, 2017. Install Mozilla Firefox ESR on Windows, macOS, or Linux This requires the Professional version of Windows 10, though, and isn’t available on the Home version. If you have to access an old web page that doesn’t work with Internet Explorer 11 and requires an older version of Internet Explorer, you can use Internet Explorer 11’s Enterprise Mode. RELATED: How to Enable and Use Internet Explorer 11's Enterprise Mode You may need to restart your browser after changing this setting. On the “Security” tab, ensure “Enable Java content in the browser” is enabled. You’ll find the Java control panel at Control Panel > Programs > Java. If Java doesn’t run properly, make sure the browser plugin is enabled in its control panel. You probably won’t want to use Internet Explorer as your browser all the time, but you can launch it whenever you need to use a website that requires a plugin. To install these plugins, just launch IE and visit the appropriate website- Oracle’s Java site or Microsoft’s Silverlight site, for example.